Flintlock from A44 is out soon and I did a review for it on the Youtube Channel.
According to wiki
"Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is an action role-playing video game played from a third-person perspective. In the game, the player assumes control of Nor Vanek, a coalition member who must save mankind from extinction by fighting against the old Gods. In Flintlock, the player can use melee weapons and flintlock firearms to attack enemies, though ammunition is scarce. As the player character attacks or parries incoming attacks, they will gradually fill an enemy's armor bar. Once it is completely filled, players can deliver a devastating attack that kills normal enemies instantly or significantly weakens a boss's character. Executing enemies using Nor's axe will refill ammo for her flintlock weapons while killing enemies with her flintlock firearms will restore armor. The player will be accompanied by Enki, a mysterious fox-like creature. Enki can be commanded to distract or stun enemies, teleport the player, or infuse Nor's attacks with magic.[1] Through Enki's magical abilities, players may acquire the special skills of a boss character after killing them"
However, Flintlock right from the gates shows that taking so much inspiration from so many games can lead to a disaster. The game just never comes together, leading to a feeling of a title that lacks focus. Additionally, it has a huge number of technical issues including low fps without using DLSS or other upscaling systems.
As well as audio mixing and leveling problems.
Flintlock, like its namesake, has a low success rate.
Review- https://youtu.be/boctXGi4ffU